Search Results for: "superannuation"
Wage Suppression a Time Bomb in Superannuation System
…These actions directly undermine superannuation savings, and hence the future retirement incomes of affected workers. This new report from the Centre for Future Work simulates the impacts of eight specific…
Choosing Not to Choose: Making superannuation work by default
This Discussion Paper reviews the former Government’s ‘Choice of Fund’ policy and proposes a range of improvements to the way default superannuation funds are chosen….
PALM visas, superannuation and tax
…countries’ economies. In reality, the economic benefits of the scheme are weighted in Australia’s favour. The amount of money that PALM workers spend in Australia—on accommodation, expenses, tax and superannuation—is…
Pensions and superannuation: the need for change
…looking for pension savings. However it has refused to find savings in superannuation tax concessions, which cost the budget almost as much as the age pension and are growing so…
The case for a universal default superannuation fund
Since 2005, the great majority of Australian workers have been able to choose their own superannuation fund. While some people have taken advantage of greater choice in super, for many…
The great superannuation tax concession rort
Superannuation tax concessions have long been a bone of contention for the welfare sector, which views them as redistributing scarce resources away from low-income earners towards the secure and privileged…
Submission: Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
The Australia Institute welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry. We expect the Royal Commission to…
The Relationship Between Superannuation Contributions and Wages in Australia
…in employers’ minimum statutory superannuation contributions would have no negative effects on future wage growth, and that Australia’s economy can afford both higher wages and higher employer contributions to superannuation….