featuring Ebony Bennett and Richard Denniss


Welcome to our second Follow The Money summer special!

If you’re taking a break this summer, but still craving a political fix – we are here to help. Over the summer we’ll bring you the highlights from The Australia Institute’s popular Politics in the Pub live sessions from 2016.

In this episode you’ll hear a discussion from the Canberra launch of Richard Denniss’ book Econobabble, exploring the ways politicians and the media use Econobabble to exclude everday Australians from the political debate surrounding the economy, featuring:

  • Richard Denniss, Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and author of Econobabble @RDNS_TAI 
  • Laura Tingle, Political Editor for the Australian Financial Review @latingle 

We hope you enjoy it, you’ll notice the sound quality is a little different, mainly because it’s recorded live in the pub. 

Stay tuned for more summer episodes.

You can subscribe to The Australia Institute’s podcast series Follow The Money on iTunes. Each episode busts some economic myths, interprets econobabble and helps you sound really smart at your next dinner party. 

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