Three coal mines avoid reconsideration of environmental impacts

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has given an early Christmas present to coal companies by refusing to reconsider the impacts of three mine expansions.

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has given an early Christmas present to coal companies by refusing to reconsider the impacts of three mine expansions – Caval Ridge (Qld), Boggabri mine (NSW) and Lake Vermont (Qld).

The decision not to reconsider the impacts of these mines was made on 3 December and published on 4 December.

The Environment Minister had been asked to reconsider the impacts of these mines by the Environment Council of Central Queensland and Environmental Justice Australia as part of their “Living Wonders” case against several major coal and gas projects.

The Living Wonders case saw a Federal Court challenge to the approvals of these projects, arguing that their climate impacts would affect species and ecosystems protected under federal environment law.

Instead of joining the environment groups, in court Minister Plibersek sided with the coal companies, winning the case and an appeal in July.

On one hand, today’s decisions are simply an extension of that court finding.

On the other, a government that was serious about climate action would refuse any proposal a new or expanded coal mine.

Today’s decision is yet another example of the Australian Government deciding to create more climate change rather than less. Another time that Minister Plibersek was on the side of coal companies, not the environment.

It’s also worth remembering that these are major coal mines. Their combined area would cover most of Greater Sydney: