Off the Charts

A picture tells a thousand words and Off the Charts is where you’ll find the charts and graphs that tell the most interesting stories. Across all the areas the Australia Institute covers, we give you the pictures that help you understand what is really going on in the world.

August 2024

July 2024

June 2024

“Sticky inflation” is not Australian workers fault and higher interest rates and lower wages won’t solve it

by Greg Jericho

Australia’s inflation is rising and falling in line with the experience in Canada and the USA despite the RBA not raising rates by as much as did the central banks in those two countries.

As wages struggle to keep pace with inflation the numbers of secondary jobs rise

by Greg Jericho

More than 1.1m jobs are now being done by someone who has another job

It is time to abolish the expensive Fuel Tax Credit that incentivises fossil fuel use.

by Adam Gottschalk

The OECD has recently called for the end of Australia Fuel Tax Credits Scheme, which is growing in cost every year.

Blur of auditorium room use for present meeting background

Australian public universities are now spending millions on consultants

by Alexia Adhikari

Figures from Queensland and Victoria reveal that public universities spend over $200m on consultants, while students HECS/HELP debt soar.

May 2024

Teachers pay more tax than the oil and gas industry

by Matt Grudnoff

Oil and gas companies claim they pay the wages of teachers and other public sector services, but teachers actually pay twice the tax.

The tax incentive for green hydrogen is a start, but it has a very, very long way to go

by Matthew Ryan

We need green hydrogen to have a net zero economy, but the amount estimated to be produced by the measures in the Budget show how far we have to go

No, the budget is not inflationary

by Greg Jericho

For a budget to be inflationary there needs to be actual evidence of surging demand. In this budget we have the opposite


Gas industry emissions will cost us much more than their so-called economic benefits

by Matthew Ryan

The emissions from the gas industry are delivering a devasting cost to our future

The decision to scrap the levy on waste exports means more plastics will end up in landfill

by Nina Gbor

Most plastic Australians use already ends up in landfill and the decision to scrap the levy on waste exports will only make things worse

“Sticky” inflation does not mean more rate rises are needed

by Greg Jericho

The majority of items driving inflation now are not responsive to further rate rises


April 2024

Federal funding for private schools

by Alexia Adhikari

In 2024, the Commonwealth Government will spend an estimated $29.1 billion on schools in Australia. More than half of this – $17.8 billion – will go to private schools.

March 2024

February 2024

Curated by

Off the Charts is curated by Greg Jericho, Chief Economist at the Australia Institute and the Centre for Future Work.

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