Big Gas is taking the piss… and what to do about it

If you’ve paid any tax at all in the last decade, you’ve paid more than the global gas giants exporting eastern Australia’s gas have ever paid in company tax.
These corporations export two thirds of the gas produced in eastern Australia, selling it for tens of billions of dollars annually. They use more gas just running their export terminals than we use electricity, yet apparently NSW now has to import gas!
Gas exports have led to a tripling of wholesale gas and electricity prices since LNG exports began in 2015. LNG companies deliberately exposed Australians to global prices, which is driving up YOUR energy bills. Join Richard Denniss and Konrad Benjamin to find out how the gas companies have managed this spectacular heist of our gas and what can be done about it.
Richard Denniss – Executive Director, The Australia Institute
Richard Denniss is the Executive Director at The Australia Institute. He is a prominent Australian economist, author and public policy commentator. Formerly a regular columnist for Australian Financial Review and The Guardian, he has published six books, including Econobabble, Curing Affluenza, Dead Right: How Neoliberalism Ate Itself and What Comes Next? and Big: The Role of the State in the Modern Economy.
Konrad Benjamin – Founder, Punter’s Politics
Konrad Benjamin is the straight-talking founder of Punters Politics, where he breaks down complex political and economic issues into language everyday Aussies can understand. A former economics teacher turned political commentator, he’s built a following of hundreds of thousands by cutting through the BS and explaining what really matters to working Australians. His mission is simple: give punters the knowledge they need to see through corporate propaganda and hold politicians accountable.
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Newcastle, NSW 2300