Our Unstable Neighbourhood


The latest issue of Australian Foreign Affairs examines the challenges confronting South-East Asia as it finds itself at the epicentre of the rivalry between the United States and China.
Our Unstable Neighbourhood’ looks at the fragile state of democracy and the growing threat of instability in the region, as well as the risks for Australia as it navigates ties with nations which have vastly differing interests and outlooks. With a panel including Allan Gyngell, Kishore Mahbubani and Melissa Conley Tyler
The panel will be in discussion with Allan Behm, International & Security Affairs Director at the Australia Institute.
In partnership with Australian Foreign Affairs. Only on Australia Institute TV.


Allan Gyngell
National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs

Kishore Mahbubani
Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

Melissa Conley Tyler
Program Lead, Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue (AP4D)

in conversation with

Allan Behm
International & Security Affairs program director, the Australia Institute


(ended on )



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