Labor Maintains Lead as Major Parties Struggle to Reach Disengaged Voters | Poll Position


This week’s Guardian Essential Report shows support for both the major parties has dropped since the start of the federal election campaign, but Labor is emerging as the party most trusted to manage the cost of living pressures facing Australians. At the mid-point of the six-week election campaign, the Guardian Essential poll of 1,500 respondents finds the primary vote for both Labor and the Coalition largely unmoved, despite billions of dollars in election promises being made as voters tune into the contest.

Our expert panel discuss the last fortnight in politics and analyse the latest polling on Poll Position, featuring:

Sarah Martin, Chief Political Correspondent at Guardian Australia
Peter Lewis, Executive Director at Essential Media
Ebony Bennett, Host and Deputy Director at the Australia Institute

Guardian Essential poll: Labor maintains lead as major parties struggle to reach disengaged voters by Sarah Martin.

Scott Morrison’s pitch for power is: it’s better the devil you know. But is sympathy for the devil dwindling? by Peter Lewis.


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