Adelaide Writers' Week
March 2025
What’s the Big Idea?
Australia faces a myriad of challenges, with climate change, housing affordability, fraying democratic institutions, risk-averse policies and a divisive public discourse just a few of the problems we must confront. The question is, are we? Join Richard Denniss and Senator Barbara Pocock as they apply some big ideas to the future. SPEAKERS: Richard Denniss is
Australia’s Housing Mess and How to Fix It
Australia’s favourite financial journalist, Alan Kohler, has much to say about the country’s enduring housing crisis and the solutions we need. He shares the thinking in his book The Great Divide with Richard Denniss. SPEAKERS: Alan Kohler is the Editor in Chief of InvestSMART group, and founder of The Constant Investor which was sold to InvestSMART in December
How to Fix the Housing Crisis
The Australian Dream used to be to own your own home, but young people are being increasingly locked out of home ownership. In fact, young people today are on track to be the first generation to be worse off than their parents. How did we as a nation get here and how do we fix
Australia’s Carbon Capture: Releasing Fossil Fuels’ Grip on Our Democracy
The influence of the gas and coal industry on our politicians and policymakers is an open secret in Australia. What is less well understood is why this small industry, with little economic significance, wields such apparent power and how easy it would be to free our democracy from its grip. Richard Denniss, Royce Kurmelovs, Ross
The United States: Down and Out?
The international community is busy coming to terms with the re-election of President Trump, but he is a symptom of American malaise, not its cause. Americans are neither willing nor able to save themselves from themselves – in a fundamental sense, America is down and out. But it has enormous resilience, which it needs to
Writing to Change the World
When some of the institutions fundamental to democracy are struggling both here and overseas, when it feels like progress is slipping and hard-won rights are being wound back, how can the power of writing show us a way forward? Amy McQuire, Clare Wright and Anna Spargo-Ryan offer ideas for working our way out of some