The Odd Couple: Allan Behm Book Tour // International & Security Affairs

As rich and powerful first-world nations, America and Australia share a problem: how to recalibrate their relationship to deliver peace and prosperity rather than conflict and disharmony.

In The Odd Couple, Allan Behm suggests ways that America and Australia can transcend military glitz to strengthen well-being and human security worldwide. America needs a friend, not a flunkey, and Australia may become its best ally.

July 2024

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(Canberra) The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship

Harry Hartog Booksellers

Join Allan Behm, Director of The Australia Institute’s International & Security Affairs Program, in conversation with Professor Mark Kenny, Director at the Australian Studies Institute at ANU to discuss Allan’s latest book, The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship. The Odd Couple: the Australia-America relationship, a provocative narrative about recalibrating the relationship between Australia and the

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(Sydney) The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship

State Library of NSW

Join the Hon. Bob Carr, Former Foreign Minister for Australia and NSW’s longest continuously serving Premier in New South Wales history, in conversation with Allan Behm, author of new book, The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship. The Odd Couple: the Australia-America relationship, a provocative narrative about recalibrating the relationship between Australia and the USA to

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(Melbourne) The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship

Wheeler Centre

Join Allan Behm, Director of The Australia Institute’s International & Security Affairs Program, in conversation with Dr Emma Shortis, Senior Researcher, International & Security Affairs, the Australia Institute to discuss Allan’s latest book, The Odd Couple: The Australia-America Relationship. The Odd Couple: the Australia-America relationship, a provocative narrative about recalibrating the relationship between Australia and

Free, registration essential

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