

Note to Joe: Australians support a rise in the Newstart Allowance

jobs Could you live on $245 a week?

Many recipients of the Newstart Allowance are forced to.

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Your tax dollars helping the mining industry ….

petrol At a time when the mining industry is earning record profits you might be surprised to learn that it is also receiving $4 billion worth of government subsidies and concessions each year.

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…. while they inflate the amount of tax they pay.

mining Firms are keen on self regulation. They claim it works because they are transparent, accountable and good corporate citizens. But just how transparent was a recent report by Rio Tinto into the amount of taxes it paid in 2011.

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Recent publications

TAIAre unemployment benefits adequate in Australia? R Denniss and D Baker, 23 April

Pouring fuel on the fire: The nature and extent of Federal Government subsidies to the mining industry, M Grudnoff, 18 April

Match making: Using data-matching to find people missing out on government assistance, D Baker, 18 April

Showing their helping hand: The selective promotion of government assistance, D Baker, 18 April

Too much of a good thing? The macroeconomic case for slowing down the mining boom, R Denniss and M Grudnoff, 2 April

Job creator of job destroyer? An analysis of the mining boom in Queensland, M Grudnoff, 20 March

Justice for all: Giving Australians greater access to the legal system, R Denniss, J Fear and E Millane, 19 March

For a full list of our publications, click here. All papers can be downloaded for free.

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Recent media

news Survey indicates unemployment benefits are not enough to live on, The Canberra Times, 24 April

What lies beneath, The Global Mail, 19 April

Thousands miss out on parent payments, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 April

What’s good about a surplus? The Canberra Times, 14 April

What electricity will really cost under a carbon tax, Crikey, 12 April

Super ‘biased against lower paid’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 April

War of words over mining tax continues, ABC The World Today, 23 March

Study claims mining is damaging the economy, Lateline Business, 20 March

For regular updates follow us on Twitter and Facebook

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calendar Politics in the Pub Canberra

Indonesia and the live export trade – Lyn White, Animals Australia

Wednesday 23 May6 – 7pm (doors open at 5.30pm)The Lounge Bar, Level 3, The Uni Pub17 London Circuit, Canberra

Australia’s 20-year search for a coherent, workable and moral asylum policy – Father Frank Brennan AO

Wednesday 27 June6 – 7pm (doors open at 5.30pm)The Lounge Bar, Level 3, The Uni Pub17 London Circuit, Canberra

Politics in the Pub is FREE

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Newsletter: GST, Free Nuclear, Homeshare, Annual Report

The 1st of July 2014 seems like a long time ago. We’ve been busy. Our research has led debates, laid out the facts, busted myths, challenged corporate and mining giants, upset more than a few lobbyists and conservatives, and changed minds.  Thank you everyone who has read our work, shared or talked about us, or

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The Wrap with Ebony Bennett The public support for the Albanese government’s bold decision to redesign the Stage 3 tax cuts has shown us that Australians are up for a conversation about tax – and that we understand that policies need to change as our circumstances change. Our research found that Australians’ appetite for tax

5 Years in the Making | Between the Lines

The Wrap with Richard Denniss The amendments to the Stage 3 tax cuts that passed through the Senate this week marked the culmination of more than five years of work from the team at the Australia Institute. In 2018, literally the day after Scott Morrison announced the biggest and most inequitable tax cuts in Australian