

Are you a slave to your smartphone?

polluted timeJust because technology has made work easier in certain respects does not mean that its effects have been consistently beneficial. While the marketing and advertising of IT products tends to focus on the working utopia that their purchase will usher in, in reality the use of smartphones, mobile computers and the like can actually add to the workload of many workers by putting them perpetually ‘on the grid’ and habituating them to a new and more demanding lifestyle.

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National Go Home On Time Day

GHOTDDo you find yourself working back late? Never enough hours in the day to do all the things you need or want to do? Are work calls or emails getting in the way of enjoying free time?

Or are you a manager who values your staff? Do you want to show them how important they are?

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Do you know someone who works too hard?

workDoes this put pressure on their family life?

A researcher at UNSW is interested in these issues and is hoping to talk to fathers with young children about their experiences balancing work and life. If this sounds like you or someone you know, please get in contact with George Argyrous at or on 0432 968 748.

Recent publications

TAIPolluted time: Blurring the boundaries between work and life, J Fear, 19 November

Bulky Billing: Missing out on fair and affordable healthcare, D Baker, 28 October

The Australian wine tax regime: Assessing industry claims, D Richardson and R Denniss, 28 September

Mining the truth: The rhetoric and reality of the commodities boom, D Richardson and R Denniss, 8 September

Recent media

news The gifts that turn you into a workaholic, The Sydney Morning Herald, 19 November

Industry straddles both sides of ‘free trade’ debate, The Canberra Times, 28 September

Executive and worker wages out of step, ABC Lateline Business, 16 November

Nation brainwashed by cult of boom, The Age, 5 November

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