Pocket Money: 14 Reasons Why The Case For A Company Tax Cut Has Collapsed

featuring Ebony Bennett and David Richardson


In a special “Pocket Money” episode of Follow the Money, released on the eve of the Budget, we discuss the 14 reasons why the case for the company tax cuts collapsed. See below for all the ways you can find our Budget analysis. 

Our original episode discussing the company tax cuts can be found here

Host: Deputy Director Ebony Bennett @ebony_bennett


  • David Richardson, Senior Research Fellow

Producer: Jennifer Macey  @jennifermacey // Title Track: Jonathan McFeat pulseandthrum.com

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On Budget Night

As is tradition, The Australia Institute will be live-tweeting the Treasurer’s Budget Speech and subsequent interview.

Tune in to the Budget speech on the ABC at 7.30pm, and interviews with Leigh Sales and the Treasurer and Shadow Treasurer directly afterwards.

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Budget Analysis

We will be emailing our annual Budget Analysis Wrap to our supporters in the days after the Budget.

Make sure you get The Australia Institute 2018 Budget Analysis

Subscribe here: tai.org.au/subscribe

2018 Budget Wrap Podcast

Due to the overwhelming response to both our podcast Follow the Money and our traditional Budget Wrap Politics in the Pub here in Canberra, this year we’ve decided to combine the two so now everyone can now listen to our Budget Wrap via podcast.

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