Polling: Voters Want JobSeeker Boost, Government Spending over Tax Cuts


New research from The Australia Institute has shown more voters want to see Government spending going towards supporting those looking for work and spending on infrastructure and services than for it to be used to hand out income tax cuts.

The Australia Institute poll of 1017 Australians between 10 and 11 September 2020 showed, when it comes to government spending, only one in five voters would prioritise income tax cuts while repaying debt was the priority for just 12%.

Key Findings:

  • Income support for people looking for work was the single most popular priority, chosen by three in 10 Australians (30%).
  • Spending on infrastructure and government services like health and education was the second most popular priority, chosen by one in four Australians (26%).
  • Bringing forward income tax cuts was the third most popular priority, chosen by 20% of Australians.
  • Decreasing the deficit was least popular, chosen by 12% of Australians.

“Our research shows that bringing forward income tax cuts is not the priority for voters right now,” said Ben Oquist, Executive Director of The Australia Institute.

“Australians consider supporting the unemployed and investing in infrastructure, health and education services to be more important than cutting taxes in the current circumstances.

“Not only would tax cuts miss the mark when it comes to economic stimulus, we now see that they aren’t even broadly supported as a priority by Australian voters.

“There is mounting evidence that income tax cuts that disproportionately favour wealthier Australians are more likely to be saved than spent, rendering their economic stimulatory impact minimal.”

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