Recent media


news Survey indicates unemployment benefits are not enough to live on, The Canberra Times, 24 April

What lies beneath, The Global Mail, 19 April

Thousands miss out on parent payments, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 April

What’s good about a surplus? The Canberra Times, 14 April

What electricity will really cost under a carbon tax, Crikey, 12 April

Super ‘biased against lower paid’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 April

War of words over mining tax continues, ABC The World Today, 23 March

Study claims mining is damaging the economy, Lateline Business, 20 March

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In worrying about productivity growth, the RBA has strayed beyond its remit

by Joshua Black

It’s official: the Reserve Bank of Australia will have its board split in two, and two new appointees will join the reconfigured monetary policy board, whose job it is to make decisions on interest rates. The move was recommended by an independent review panel in 2023. The new members of the monetary policy board, one