Research: ‘latte sippers’ and ‘chardonnay drinkers’ vote Liberal/National
New research from The Australia Institute dispels stereotypes around what Australians drink and their political leanings finding that café latte drinkers vote Liberal/National more than any other party.
- Among regular latte drinkers, voting intentions were 34% LNP, 32% Labor, 16% Greens 7% One Nation, 12% other
- Regular chai latte drinkers are also most likely to vote LNP (36%) than ALP (26%) or Greens (16%)
- Café beverages using non-dairy milk alternatives such as almond milk showed a similar trend, while soy latte drinkers are slightly more likely to vote Green (31%) compared to 28% LNP and 26% Labor, although still a minority
- Occasional chardonnay drinkers are also most likely to vote for the major parties: LNP 23%, ALP 20%, and almost equally likely to vote Greens and One Nation (18% to 14%).
“Appreciation of a variety of coffee styles and alcoholic drinks transcends politics,” said Tom Swann, researcher at the Australia Institute (and a long black drinker himself).
“The serious point to this research is that it shows attempts by some politicians to stereotype and deride based on beverage choice are likely to backfire, because as a community we are remarkably similar.
“In Australian political discourse, being called a ‘chardonnay drinker’ or ‘latte sipper’ is supposed to refer to being elitist and out of touch or even that you’re not a ‘real Australian’.
“Our research shows that chardonnays, lattes and non-dairy milk alternatives such as soy and almond milks are enjoyed by people of all political persuasions in all parts of the country.
“In fact, inner city voters and Greens voters are more likely to drink flat whites or beer, or just about anything else, than to drink soy lattes or chardonnays – just like the rest of Australia.
“Across political and regional divides, there is great diversity within all groups and even greater similarities between groups.
“It’s not clear why political rhetoric of division has focused so much on what people drink, but this research shows it bears little relationship to what really happens in Australia’s cafes, pubs and bars.”
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