Revenue Summit to change focus of tax debate
With the company tax debate in full flight, The Australia Institute will be hosting a special Revenue Summit, Wednesday 17th October 2018.
This initiative of The Australia Institute will see some of Australia’s leading experts discuss new ways Australia could efficiently and equitably increase public revenue to strengthen both our public finances and our future economy.
Keynote speakers at the Summit will include:
- Bernie Fraser, Former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia
- Professor Patricia Apps, Professor of Public Economics at The University of Sydney Law School and;
- Dr. Michael Keating AC, Former Cabinet Secretary and Head of Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
“Tax cuts will not generate the extra revenue necessary to pay for them. Instead tax reform should focus on what are the expenditures that Australia demands as a society, and then consider the fairest and most efficient way to raise the revenue needed to pay for those expenditures,” said Dr. Michael Keating AC, Revenue Summit keynote speaker and Former Cabinet Secretary and Head of Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.
“In Australia today, the term ‘tax reform’ is too often used to conceal demands for more tax cuts,” says Ben Oquist, Executive Director of The Australia Institute.
“However, it is possible to reform the tax system in a multitude of ways that would result in more tax revenue, a simpler tax system, and stronger public finances.
“Tax is the price we pay to live in a civilised society, but in contemporary Australia we rarely ask how much civilisation we would like to buy, and what are the best new ways we could fund it.
“While the company tax debate is a significant one, it is important that to see it in the context of the wider revenue challenges and opportunities facing Australia.
“The Revenue Summit seeks to broader the tax reform debate beyond any single tax policy and we welcome input from policy makers, politicians , experts and the public.”
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