Summer Series – Australia’s growing wages crisis with Sally McManus [webinar]

featuring Ebony Bennett and Jim Stanford


Our summer podcast series brings you some of the best conversations from our webinars in 2021. A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work was an essential element of the promise of Australia. The last 30 years have seen a dramatic shift of the share of Australia’s prosperity going to profit and away from working people. Australians are facing a wages crisis, and Government actions and inactions are making this problem worse. Join ACTU Secretary Sally McManus as she outlines the reasons why, and the way back for working people to once again be at the heart of a strong economy.
This episode was recorded live on 14 July 2021 and things may have changed since recording.
Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director at the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett
Sally McManus, ACTU Secretary // @sallymcmanus
Jim Stanford, economist and director, Centre for Future Work // @JimboStanford
The Australia Institute // @theausinstitute
Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey
Theme Music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Sessions

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