
When you think about Australia’s entire economy, what share of that pie do you think goes to workers (via wages) compared to business (via profits)?

The Business Council of Australia is making some bold claims that the profit share of income has fallen, but does the data back that up? In this episode we unpack who is really winning and who is getting left behind in Australia’s economy with Richard Denniss, economist and Executive Director of the Australia Institute

This was recorded on Wednesday 24 August 2022 and things may have changed since recording.

The Australia Institute // @theausinstitute

Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director, the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett

Guest: Richard Denniss, economist and Executive Director, Australia Institute // @RDNS_TAI

Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey

Edited by: Lizzie Jack

Theme Music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Session

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