Why A Bank Levy Is A Great Idea

featuring Ebony Bennett and Richard Denniss


The South Australian state government announced in late June 2017 that it was going to follow the Federal government and introduce a levy on the big banks. Episode 19 of Follow The Money, explains why the banks can absolutely afford the levy, why it’s a good idea economically and just how small the levy really is compared to — for example — the salaries of the CEOs of the big 4 banks.

Host: Deputy Director Ebony Bennett // @ebony_bennett

Contributors: Chief Economist Richard Denniss @RDNS_TAI  // Senior Economist Matt Grudnoff @MattGrudnoff  

Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey

Title Track: Jonathan McFeat // pulseandthrum.com

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Australia Institute research on the bank levies: 

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Worth a Punt – 2% Levy on Gambling Revenue Could Replace Free-To-Air Advertising Spend

by Stephen Long and David Richardson

There is widespread public support for banning gambling advertisements on free-to-air media because of the harm caused by gambling. The main objection is that Australia’s free-to-air networks, hit by declining revenues and fragmenting audiences, can’t afford to lose the money. But there’s a simple solution. A small levy on the many billions of dollars gambling