Polling – Young Australians’ participation in live music

The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,009 young Australians aged 16 to 25 about their participation in live music.

The results show that:

  • The most common barrier to attending music events is cost, with three in five 16–25-year-olds (59%) selecting it as a barrier, and 35% identifying it as the most significant barrier.
  • Two in three young Australians (64%) say that attending music events is important to them, while 30% say that it is not.
  • Four in five young Australians (81%) support government programs for young people to plan, develop, and deliver music events.
  • Four in five young Australians (80%) say that a $200 government-funded voucher would increase the number of music events they attend.
  • Young Australians are most likely to discover new music via music streaming services (61%), followed by YouTube (54%) and TikTok (52%).

