Submission to Energy Security Board Renewable Energy Zones consultation paper

by Linda Connor, Dan Cass and Rebecca Pearse

Submission made to the Energy Security Board’s proposed framework for the planning of renewable energy zones (REZ) within state jurisdictions in the National Electricity Market (NEM). This form part an ongoing research project titled Rural Communities and Renewable Energy: A Socio-economic Study in NSW, conducted by thte University of Sydney Environment Institute, Australian National University and the Australia Institute.

In our submission we argued that REZs are a valuable policy development and deserve a special planning scheme that goes well beyond the remit of the National Electricity Rules. This broader scheme should include

  • local economic development planning to maximise positive benefits to local communities
  • agreements and benefit sharing with Indigenous peoples 
  • Broad social, economic and environmental and natural resource criteria used to design REZ boudaries and guide where projects are located

Full report
