Remaking the Public Square

Eli Pariser, Lizzie O'Shea & Peter Lewis

In an era of disinformation, distortion and filter bubble, activist and author Eli Pariser has been advocating for the creation of public digital infrastructure as a counterpoint to the power of the corporation social media platforms.

The work of his Civic Signals project has been one of the inspiration’s for the Centre for Responsible Technology’s ‘Public Square Project’.

Join Eli in conversation with The Australia Institute’s Centre for Responsible Technology director Peter Lewis and Lizzie O’Shea, Chair of Digital Rights Watch, to coincide with the launch of the Centre’s ‘Reimagining the Publlic Square’ discussion paper.

Hosted by Noah Schultz-Byard, director of the Australia Institute South Australia, as part of The Australia Institute’s 2021 webinar series. This video was recorded live on 29 April 2021.


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