Events // Economics
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Past events
The pandemic, mental health and beyond
Hon Julia Gillard AC
Unpacking the Mini-Budget
Ebony Bennett, Richard Denniss & Matt Grudnoff
The Reconstruction: Building Back Better or Just Bigger
Dr Richard Denniss
The Deficit Myth
Professor Stephanie Kelton
Protecting Workers as the Economy Re-Opens
Sally McManus
The Australian Government Health Response
Hon. Greg Hunt
Powering Up: Opportunities for Australian Manufacturing In the Era of Renewables
Professor Ross Garnaut AC
The Public Health Response
Laureate Professor Peter Doherty
Inequality in a Pandemic
Professor Joseph Stiglitz & Wayne Swan
After the crisis
Jim Chalmers & Richard Denniss
The Complete Reshaping of Australia’s Economic Debate
Wayne Swan & Richard Denniss
How can Government Protect Jobs & Incomes?
Dr Jim Stanford
What the hell is happening to the economy?
Dr Richard Denniss
2019 Budget
Richard Denniss, Ebony Bennett, Matt Grudnoff & Troy Henderson
2015 Budget
Wayne Swan
Simon Sheikh & Tom Swann