A National Integrity Commission: an idea whose time has come

Australia’s trust in federal politics is at an all-time low. Australians have never trusted their politicians less. When operational, the National Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate and expose corruption and serious misconduct at a federal level and help restore faith in our democracy.

Our Impact

Australia will get a national anti-corruption watchdog in 2023, following years of Australia Institute research and engagement with the legal profession and federal MPs and Senators.

Our National Integrity Committee – made up of distinguished former judges and corruption fighters – have released a number of papers detailing the essential requirements and basic principles for the establishment of a National Anti-Corruption watchdog.

The Committee have made many submissions and appeared before various Parliamentary Committees and other consultation processes, to discuss the need for a strong integrity commission – one with broad jurisdiction; the ability to hold public hearings and produce public reports and the power to investigate and expose corruption at the highest levels.


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