March 2016
Gender equity: big companies better on boards, but below ASX average on management positions
New Catalyst research, released for International Women’s Day, reveals the best and worst points of women’s participation in corporate Australia. The report covers female participation on boards and in management as well as assessing policies to help women in the workplace. While some companies in the ASX have real equality on their boards, overall the
February 2014
July 2012
May 2012
November 2011
February 2010
Taking from the Banks to Give to the Worthy
Originally printed in The Age. Nearly 800 years after celebrated rogue Robin Hood and his entourage of bandits launched raids from their Sherwood Forest hide-out – redistributing wealth from a greedy and corrupt aristocracy to the starving peasantry – he has been recruited to a new campaign. This month, 350 prominent economists, including Nobel Prize-winner
October 2008
In a man’s working world parental leave should be about fathers, too
Originally printed in the Sydney Morning Herald. Under the Productivity Commission’s parental leave proposal, men are entitled to two weeks’ paternity leave (use it or lose it), and mothers would be allowed to transfer their 18-week entitlement to their partners. It leaves the important decision about who provides primary care up to individual families and,
April 2008
Bringing Dads into the Debate
Raise the question of who should look after the kids, and you enter a minefield of gender roles, household distribution of labour, and parenting styles, with any wrong step potentially fatal. Arguments such as women have a biological affinity with raising children or that they’re better at it are sure to come up. Alternatively, workplaces
Leave accounts: win-win solution to child care
Originally printed in ABC News. It’s a good thing for our communities if working parents are able to take time out to spend with children. This should be the guiding principle for the Productivity Commission’s upcoming inquiry into paid maternity, paternity and parental leave. The second principle is to accept that many parents want or
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor