September 2000
No. 24 September 2000
Mutuality in a Market Society by Pamela Kinnear Pearson on Welfare Dependency by Clive Hamilton Subsidising the Health of the Rich by Julie Smith Green Power: Taxing concern? by Richard Denniss
June 2000
No. 23 June 2000
Charities, Political Parties and the GST by Julie Smith Taxing Mothers’ Milk by Julie Smith Will Australia Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? by Clive Hamilton
March 2000
No. 22 March 2000
Regulating Blood by Clive Hamilton Taxing Charity by Julie Smith The Cost of Downsizing by Max Neutze Community Indicators for Quality of Life
General Enquiries
Emily Bird Office Manager
Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor