September 2024
We don’t need nuclear power – the path to cheaper electricity is renewables
The last thing Australia energy market needs is nuclear power. The data is clear – more renewables will lead to cheaper electricity.
August 2024
As Pacific Islands Forum meets, the government should admit we do not need more gas
Claims that LNG gas can’t be used to meet any shortages in south-east Australia are completely false given how much uncontracted LNG capacity Australia has over the next 20 years.
Forget everything you have heard – Australia does not have a gas shortage
Australia exports around 35 times more gas than would be needed to cover any potential “shortage” in South-East Australia. Australia does not need more gas
December 2023
15 per cent of Australia’s emissions come from sending fossil fuels overseas
The Australian government talks big on the world stage about how we need to end reliance on fossil fuels, but our exports don’t match our rhetoric.
June 2021
The Ute-led recovery
There has been an enormous surge in the sale of utes, due to the instant asset write-off in the Budget. But just how effective is this in terms of stimulating economic growth and creating jobs? Dig into the details and find out how we’re spending billions of dollars to make our car fleet bigger, heavier
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Adam Gottschalk Media Advisor