April 2022
Tassie Deserves More Representatives in Wake of Premier’s Shock Resignation
The Australia Institute Tasmania thanks Premier Peter Gutwein for his dedication and hard work over the last two years as Premier and 20 years as a Member of Parliament, including six of those as Treasurer. “Premier Gutwein worked extremely hard during the COVID pandemic for Tasmanians and delivered a much greater level of support to
December 2021
Ban lies from political ads: Fake news erodes trust in politicians and democracy
An astonishing nine out of 10 Tasmanians want truth in political advertising laws and Eloise Carr explains that there is an opportunity now to legislate against all the lying and deception
October 2021
Tasmanian Government Must Go Further to Make Elections Fairer
The Tasmanian Government’s proposals to make political donations and election spending more transparent are a step in the right direction, but the new laws do not go far enough. The legislation still leaves Tasmania with the weakest regulation of third-party campaigners, such as industry lobby groups, of any state or territory in Australia. The proposed
July 2021
Tasmanian Distrust Tasmanian Integrity Commission Highlights Need for Reform
Nearly one in two Tasmanians (48.5%) distrust the Tasmanian Integrity Commission’s ability to uncover and prevent misconduct in public administration, including 19.6% who strongly distrust. Meanwhile 33.8% trust its ability, including just 6.6% who strongly trust. 17.7% were unsure.
April 2021
Polling: Majority of Tasmanians Want ‘Good Government’ Reforms
New research from the Australia Institute Tasmania finds most Tasmanians (87%) want Truth in Political Advertising laws, and a ban on political donations by the gambling industry (73.3%). Four in five (80.1%) Tasmanians agree the Tasmanian Integrity Commission should undergo structural change so its design is improved and its existing powers, including holding full inquiries with public hearings, are utilised.
February 2021
Proposed Electoral Reforms Not Good Enough for Good Government
The Gutwein Government has released its report in response to its review into Tasmania’s Electoral Act and associated election laws. “The report and recommendations, while welcome, do not provide enough concrete commitments. The Government has sat on the review for too long to still have such vague plans. Paying lip-service to change does little to
November 2020
Former Supreme Court Judge and Legal Advocate Call for Much-Needed ‘Good Government’ Reforms in Tasmania
The Australia Institute has today published recommendations for much needed political reform in Tasmania. The report, Good Government in Tasmania advocates a co-ordinated approach to reform across Tasmanian Integrity Commission Truth in Political Advertising Election Donations Reform Right to Information The report is being co-launched by retired Victorian Supreme Court judge, The Hon David Harper AM QC,
May 2020
Building Back Better: Criteria for Tasmania to Make the Most of COVID-19 Stimulus
The Australia Institute has released a new report looking at how key economic criteria can be used to assess the effectiveness of future stimulus measures in Tasmania. The report has been sent to all Members of the Tasmanian Parliament, some members of the Premier’s recovery taskforce, industry and community leaders and unions. “As stimulus money
August 2017
Talking Point: Corruption fight should be carried out in broad daylight
TASMANIA’S Integrity Commission must become more transparent if it is to fulfil its purpose of exposing and tackling corruption. [Full article on The Mercury website]
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