Between the Lines Newsletter

The biggest stories and the best analysis from the team at the Australia Institute, delivered to your inbox every fortnight.

May 2023

Bringing in the Budget | Between the Lines

The Wrap with Richard Denniss Budgets, like life, are all about priorities. It’s easy to talk about all the things we can do, but it’s harder to decide where we’re going to channel our efforts. And as in life, sometimes the hardest part of prioritising is telling other people that their priorities aren’t yours. On

April 2023

Inequality on Steroids | Between the Lines

The Wrap with Richard Denniss While everyone knows inequality has been rising in Australia, our recent report ‘Inequality on Steroids’ revealed some alarming figures that shocked even me: since 2009, 93% of our economic growth has flowed to the top 10% of income earners. I was always suspicious about claims the benefits of economic growth

March 2023

February 2023

December 2022

November 2022

Greenwashing and Taxing Gas in the Crosshairs | Between the Lines

Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter, Between the Lines. Thanks to support from people like you, our work and impact has grown. It can be hard to keep up with everything we’re up to, so we’re going to distil it for you, sending our best and latest research and analysis, opinion pieces, videos and news straight to your inbox every fortnight-ish. Subscribe to get it sent to you.

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Emily Bird Office Manager

02 6130 0530

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David Barnott-Clement Media Advisor

0457 974 636

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