September 2006

No 48 September 2006

Who listens to Alan Jones by Clive Hamilton Indonesia’s nuclear plans Are fossil fuel companies ‘capturing’ our universities? by Christian Downie School vouchers: update by Andrew Macintosh History wars and heritage omissions by Deb Wilkinson Rich boomer, poor boomer by Myra Hamilton Tourism subsidies are money down the drain by Christian Downie The use and

August 2006

A trump card in the nuclear power play

Green consumerism such as that advocated by Tim Flannery privatises responsibility for environmental decline, shifting blame from elected governments and industry onto the shoulders of individual citizens. The cause of climate change becomes the responsibility of “all of us”, which, in effect, means nobody. It is obvious why a government that wants to do nothing

June 2006

May 2006

Farming the wind getting bad press

by Clive Hamilton and Andrew Macintosh in The Canberra Times

Community opposition to wind farms is heavily influenced by a network of anti-environmental activists, some with links to the fossil fuel and nuclear industries. This helps to explain why apparently independent local opposition groups reproduce the same misinformation and distortions about wind power. The truth is that most wind farm opponents don’t like the look

April 2006

March 2006

January 2006

December 2005

September 2005

July 2005

June 2005

No 43 June 2005

Stuck in Traffic by Claire Barbato Government stymies advocacy by green NGOs by Clive Hamilton Wellbeing Manifesto launch Howard’s Children by Richard Denniss The ‘Left” and the Iraq War by Clive Hamilton Taxpayers Soaked by Andrew Macintosh Is the Bracks Government Serious about Climate Change? ZPG for ACT? by Claire Barbato Gross National Happiness by

May 2005

April 2005

March 2005

February 2005

January 2005

December 2004

November 2004

September 2004

No 40 September 2004

Pandering to the Government by Clive Hamilton Masking private schools accountable by Deb Wilkinson The next gender wars by Barbara Pocock Pets and foreign aid by Richard Denniss Quotes from the tenth anniversary dinner Looking into the ‘Too Hard’ basket Health insurance tricky for the old by Richard Denniss Australians still the world’s worst greenhouse

June 2004

No 39 June 2004

Silencing dissent by Sarah Maddison Is the growth of private schools good for Australia? by Deb Wilkinson Institute’s filtering strategy vindicated by Michael Flood Children’s exposure to porn increasing by Michael Flood Fortress Australia against climate refugees by Clive Hamilton Caring for children by Michael Flood The growing price of cultural fraud by Richard Eckersley

May 2004

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