Articles & Opinions

Roll up! Roll up! This show is a gas!

by Stephen Long in The Politics

Take your seats, ladies and gentlemen, for Australia’s annual gas pantomime, guaranteed to scare the wits out of struggling consumers. Every year it’s the same tired script, where the villain is cast as the hero, and crisis is averted in the nick of time. Hurrah! The heating stayed on for another winter. Standing ovation. Frack that

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What kind of country do you want? | Between the Lines

The Wrap with Amy Remeikis What Peter Dutton and the Coalition are offering Australian voters is a fiction. It’s headlines without substance, chimeras and half-truths that never stand up to scrutiny, but comprehensively misdirects the media’s gaze. The nation has been in election mode since the beginning of the year, when Anthony Albanese used his

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Coal Mine Tracker

Since May 2022, the Federal Environment Minister has approved 10 new coal mines or expansions.

There are 22 additional proposals for new or expanded coal mines currently waiting for Federal Government approval.

If approved, the lifetime emissions from all 32 projects would be equivalent to keeping all of Australia’s coal-fired power stations operating for an additional 95 years.

×95 years

Hunter Valley Mine Watch

No new coal mines are needed in the Hunter Valley. Avoiding dangerous climate change requires keeping coal in the ground, and with the world moving away from coal as an energy source new coal mines will simply compete with existing coal mines for a declining market.

Total coal production gap

million tonnes per year
Production gap
million tonnes per year

Rehabilitation cost shortfall

Est. cost


HeatWatch puts current Australian research about temperature increases due to global warming into context, using data from the Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO.

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