
This edition of the Institute’s newsletter features: A great year -2011 in review Dr Richard Denniss Help needed: billions of tax dollars looking for a problem Lin Hatfield Dodds Big change or a lot of hot air? Dr Richard Denniss The rhetoric and reality of the mining boom David Richardson Bulky billing David Baker Why banking competition is a problem of the mind Josh Fear A basis for democracy? Kerrie Tucker Community engagement – is it working? Kerrie Tucker What you don’t know can hurt you Josh Fear Patent controversy: it’s time Big Pharma took its medicine Philip Soos Polluted time Josh Fear Looking ahead Dr Richard Denniss Institute news

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Fossil fuel subsidies

When governments subsidise fossil fuels—coal, gas, diesel, petrol—they not only waste public money, they also make climate change worse. Subsidies and tax breaks make fossil fuels cheaper, making it harder to switch to renewable energy and cleaner technologies. Ending fossil fuel subsidies is common sense and good policy.