LOVE YOUR THINK TANK – help us reach our target of 100


love In 2004 we published a lengthy analysis of the role of non-government organisations under the Howard Government called Silencing dissent’. In 2011 we were one of the first to provide a detailed critique of the view that everyone benefits from a mining boom in our paper Mining the truth: the rhetoric and reality of the commodities boom’.

These are just two examples of what we think The Australia Institute contributes to Australia: ‘research that matters’.

And in 2012 we would like to do more!

Independent ideas can only come from independent funding so if you are in a position to LOVE YOUR THINK TANK by becoming a regular donor, we will use every cent to progress the case for a fairer and more inclusive Australia. Donate here.

So far 44 wonderfully generous supporters have joined the team. THANK YOU! We think you’re great!

Please help us reach our target of 100 people who each month can help us work towards a more progressive Australia. Donate here.


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