Massive support for renewable energy targets
The Australia Institute conducted a national opinion poll of 1412 people between 29 February and 8 March 2016 through Research Now, with nationally representative samples by gender, age and state or territory to gage support for state level renewable energy targets.
The results show very strong support for state level targets, at 76 per cent nationally, and around 3 in 4 in every state.
The announcement by the ACT of a 100% RET for 2020 puts pressure on state and territory politicians all over the country, and the Opposition in the ACT, to look at how they can support increased renewables.
The scarce resource is political will, but the ACT government is just getting on with it. While national policy uncertainty saw renewable investment plummet, the ACT government has been responsible for most of the ongoing construction.
Previous polling results showed 3 in 4 Canberrans support the target, most strongly. Nearly 2 in 3 Canberrans would be willing to pay $5 or more a week to meet it. That is the estimated peak cost per household, offset by energy efficiency and expected to fall over time. There was also majority support for ACT’s divestment decision.
The target is the envy of the country, with just under 3 in 4 people outside of the ACT saying they want their own state to adopt a policy similar to the ACT’s.
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