My Year of Living Vulnerably with Rick Morton [webinar series]

featuring Ebony Bennett


My Year of Living Vulnerably is a dazzlingly brilliant book about love, trauma and recovery, we chat with the author Rick Morton.

This episode we bring you a conversation with journalist and author Rick Morton about his wonderful book ‘My year of Living Vulnerably’, recorded as part of our webinar series. Rick’s book is also on the Australia Institute’s 2021 Essential reading list, which you can find on our website.
This was recorded live on Friday 19th March and things may have changed since recording.
The Australia Institute // @theausinstitute
Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director at the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett
Rick Morton, author and journalist // @SquigglyRick
Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey
Theme Music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Sessions

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