
Polling of the electorate of New England has revealed fierce opposition to the Shenhua coal mine. 

The ReachTEL poll of 662 residents across New England over the evening of 10th March 2016, was commissioned by The Australia Institute as part of its upcoming research into attitudes towards coal projects and economic issues.  

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“Coal is politically toxic in New England. Nearly half of respondents declared themselves ‘strongly opposed’ to the Shenhua mine, which will not be good news for pro-coal candidates,” Executive Director of The Australia Institute, Ben Oquist said. 

“In farming communities on the front lines of the expansion of the coal industry, there is a growing movement for greater rights for farmers and opposition to mines in fertile agricultural areas.

“In the tightest and most watched electorate in the country, it could be decisive that voters overwhelmingly do not want a new coal mine,” Oquist said.

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