Secrecy, Prime Ministerial promises, now mass deaths – time to clean up Tasmania’s salmon industry

Australia’s Administrative Review Tribunal has ordered the federal government to release a ministerial brief on the prospective extinction of the Maugean skate, recognised for its World Heritage value, in a win for government transparency over a culture of secrecy.
Scientists have, for years, been warning that huge commercial salmon farms are putting the very existence of the skate at risk.
Transparency campaigner Rex Patrick sought access to briefs about the endangered Maugean skate prepared by public servants within the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water for Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek.
In ruling in favour of Mr Patrick, the tribunal has effectively ruled the culture of secrecy within the public service is unlawful.
Even as thousands of dead and diseased salmon are washing up on Tasmania’s beaches, the Prime Minister intends to introduce special legislation to protect polluting, foreign-owned salmon farms in Macquarie Harbour, effectively bypassing national environmental laws and pre-empting a review by the department.
Salmon can be farmed on land and in other ways, but the endangered Maugean skate only lives in Macquarie Harbour.
“Rex Patrick’s tribunal process reveals the extraordinary lengths, and cost to the taxpayer, the government goes to, to keep information secret from the public,” said Eloise Carr, Director of The Australia Institute Tasmania.
“As the full scale of the massive salmon die-offs is emerging, it’s difficult to fathom why the Prime Minister of Australia is going into bat for an industry which pays zero tax and can’t even keep its own fish alive.
“Rather than introducing special legislation to override existing environmental laws to protect corporate interests ahead of an election, the Prime Minister should listen to the science and immediately end salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour to protect the endangered Maugean skate from extinction.”
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