The People vs Tech

featuring Ebony Bennett and Peter Lewis


There is a growing awareness globally that unregulated technological development is not delivering on its promise to transform the world for the better.

The Australia Institute launched the Centre for Responsible Technology, a new non-partisan centre designed to give people greater influence over the way technology is rapidly changing our world, on Wednesday 20 November 2019.

The new Centre will be led by Essential Media director Peter Lewis, who was joined by two of Australia’s leading thinkers Pia Andrews and Mark Andrejevic, for a special “The People vs Tech” Politics in the Pub launch of our new Centre for Responsible Technology, following a roundtable discussion featuring a range of experts from business, NGOs, unions, academia and the media.

Host: Peter Lewis, Director of Centre for Responsible Technology // @PeterLewisEMC

Pia Andrews // @piacandrews
Mark Andrejevic // @MarkAndrejevic

Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey and Lizzie Jack

Title Track: Jonathan McFeat 

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This episode was recorded live at ANU bar on Wednesday 20 November by Clayton McDonald.

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