Victorian Government rejection of Gippsland Mineral Sand Mine: Win for Community & Local Economy


The Australia Institute welcomes the decision by Victorian State Minister for Planning Richard Wynne to reject the Fingerboards Mineral Sands project proposed by Kalbar Resources.

Rod Campbell, Research Director at The Australia Institute, was an expert witness in the planning hearings that led to the rejection. He was called by community group Mine-Free Glenaladale.

“We welcome the decision by Minister Wynne. The Minister saw through the economic analysis that had been presented by the proponent and consultant Brian Fisher of BAEconomics,” said Rod Campbell, research director at the Australia Institute.

“The economic benefits of the mine had been wildly overstated, and the costs understated. In reality the costs to agriculture and waterways were likely to be significant.

“Congratulations to the community of Glenaladale, who have long opposed this inappropriate project.

“For too long governments have been accepting, and even responsible for producing, unreliable economic analysis. This decision puts the purveyors of such misinformation on notice.”

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