Video Report: Native Logging continues in the Great Koala National Park

by Stephen Long


An on-the-ground video investigation into native forest logging and the people trying to protect the last refuges of some of Australia’s most iconic wildlife.

The Great Koala National Park, promised by the NSW Labor government over a decade ago, is meant to protect forests that are home to nearly one in five of the state’s wild koalas.

But the NSW government is yet to set a date for the park and is allowing native forest logging within the proposed park boundaries to continue ravaging critical habitat for the endangered greater glider and koala.

A video report presented by Stephen Long, Senior Fellow, and Contributing Editor at the Australia Institute on Gumbaynggirr land.


  • Mark Graham, Ecologist
  • Meredith Stanton, Environmentalist
  • Uncle Micklo Jarrett, Gumbaynggirr man

Learn More

Read more from Stephen Long: “Smash and Grab”: Backwards Carbon Credits Logic Incentivises Native Forest Logging 

Watch our video report:  The Carbon Credit Grift Destroying Koala Habitat

Take Action

Join thousands of people calling for an end to NSW native forest logging.


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The carbon con killing koalas

by Stephen Long

The NSW Labor Government took office promising to create a vast koala sanctuary on the state’s mid-north coast – the Great Koala National Park. Despite the threat of koala extinction in the state, more than a year later the Great Koala National Park is yet to be established.