CEDEX Australian GHG emission report – October 2015

by Hugh Saddler, Elena Tinch and Mark Johnston

The Australia Institute, in a new partnership with engineering consultants Pitt & Sherry, will now be publishing the highly regarded Carbon Emissions Index (CEDEX) report.

The CEDEX is the benchmark indicator for Australia’s carbon emissions and an up to date snapshot of vital data from the energy sector.

The new CEDEX report will now, for the first time, produce accurate figures for total renewable energy produced in Australia, including all wind and solar.

CEDEX has been providing a comprehensive and early indication of key GHG and energy trends in Australia since 2009 and is considered to be the most comprehensive report of its kind in the market today. CEDEX is an assessment tool that is available to community and government organisations.

Download October report below. Past issues are available: here

Full report
