National Energy Emissions Audit – August electricity update

by Hugh Saddler (1943 - 2023)

Welcome to the August 2018 issue of the National Energy Emissions Audit Electricity Update, with data updated to the end of July 2018.  This Electricity Update is the companion publication to the quarterly National Energy Emissions Audit Report, the next issue which will be in September 2018.  The Electricity Update presents data on electricity demand, electricity supply, and electricity generation emissions in the National Electricity Market (NEM). 

Each issue of Electricity Update contains a more detailed discussion of one or two particular issues relating to the electricity system. In this issue we continue the examination of the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG) by focussing on what the Final Detailed Design report, publicly released on 1 August, says about the expected growth of renewable generation in the NEM with and without the NEG in place.  


Full report
