National Integrity Committee
The Australia Institute has been making the case for a national integrity commission since January 2017, when 49 prominent Australians signed onto our national anti-corruption body open letter.
In October 2017, a group of former Judges formed the National Integrity Committee under the auspices of the Australia Institute to prosecute the case for a national integrity commission. The Committee has been deeply involved in designing a set of principles necessary for an effective integrity commission including:
- A Commission must be an independent body, provided with adequate resourcing to enable it to promote integrity and accountability and prevent, investigate and expose corruption;
- It must have a broad jurisdiction, including the ability to investigate any conduct of any person that adversely affects or could adversely affect, the honest or impartial exercise of public administration;
- It must be granted the full investigative powers of a Royal Commission to undertake its work;
- A Commission must have the power to hold public hearings;
- It should be governed by a Chief Commissioner and two Deputy Commissioners appointed by the Governor-General on recommendations from a bipartisan Parliamentary committee;
- The Chief Commissioner must be, or qualified for appointment as, a judge or a retired judge of the Supreme or Federal Court;
- The Commission must be empowered to make findings of fact, and, in appropriate cases, findings of corrupt conduct
- The Commission must be subject to oversight to ensure that it always acts with absolute impartiality and fairness, and within its charter.
The members of the National Integrity Committee are:
- The Hon Stephen Charles AO KC
former judge of the Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal - The Hon David Harper AM KC
former judge Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal - The Hon Anthony Whealy KC
former judge of the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal - The Hon Margaret White AO
former judge of the Queensland Supreme Court of Appeal - The Hon Carmel McLure AC KC
former President of the Western Australian Supreme Court of Appeal - The Hon Robert Redlich AM KC
former judge of the Victorian Supreme Court of Appeal, former Commissioner of the Independent Broad Based Anti-Corruption Commission
Media Enquiries
Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor