June 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

Tasmanian government backflips on measures to protect depleted fish species

by Eloise Carr

The Australia Institute Tasmania is calling on the Tasmanian government to keep in place protections for depleted fish populations. The Tasmanian government has today announced a backflip on planned measures to rebuild depleted fish populations managed under the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery. Instead, the government has reopened consultation on the rule changes until September 25 and

June 2023

SA Duck Hunting Ban, Backed by Majority of Voters, Would Have Minimal Economic Impact

New research from public policy think tank The Australia Institute shows that a permanent ban on native bird hunting in South Australia is supported by a strong majority of the public and would have minimal impact on the state’s economy. The findings are the result of a survey of 604 South Australians, undertaken between 15

May 2023

Plenty of fish (48%) should be left in the sea: submission

The Australia Institute Tasmania has called for stronger measures to address depleted fish stocks and prevent future overfishing in a detailed submission on the Tasmanian Government’s Draft Harvest Strategy for Wild Fisheries. The recommendation of ensuring fish levels stay at 48% of unfished biomass is in line with CSIRO recommendations that guide Commonwealth fisheries strategies.

Ban Consulting Firms Who Breach Public Trust: Parliamentary Submission

Consulting firms who leak confidential information and breach public trust should be barred from winning Government contracts, according to a submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into the integrity of consulting services. Appearing today at the Senate Inquiry into consulting services, experts from the Australia Institute’s Democracy & Accountability program will warn that the over-use of

April 2023

January 2023

No economic benefit from NT cotton: submission

by Rod Campbell and Sumithri Venketasubramanian

Research released today by The Australia Institute shows that a cotton industry in the Northern Territory would not bring significant employment or tax payments. The findings were submitted to the NT Government’s water policy consultation process, which closed yesterday. Key points: The cotton industry does not create significant employment in Australia. Cotton growing employs just

Remove Low Integrity Carbon Credits from Safeguard Mechanism: Australia Institute

“Professor Ian Chubb’s review of the way that carbon credits are issued in Australia will add to the confusion about the role, integrity and future of carbon credits in Australian climate policy,” said Dr Richard Denniss, Executive Director of the Australia Institute. “Unfortunately, Professor Chubb’s review is silent about the most important issues facing our

December 2022

November 2022

Ending Fossil Fuel Finance, Improving Corporate Transparency Would Support Democracy in Pacific: Research Submission

Stronger climate action and better resource sector governance are two ways in which Australia can partner with countries in our region to promote stability according to a research submission by the Australia Institute to the Inquiry into supporting democracy in our region. Key Points: Climate action has languished for the last decade and fossil fuel

Major Red Flags: Reforms Needed to Stop Politician Pork-Barrelling

Major red flags in Australian grants administration must be addressed to prevent pork barrelling, according to a submission by the Australia Institute to the parliamentary inquiry into Commonwealth grants administration. Key Findings: 11 different pork-barrelling red flags were highlighted, the most significant include: funds not allocated in line with grant objectives, lack of personal consequences for Ministers

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