Time to clean up Australia’s failing, scandal-plagued universities
Australia’s universities are plummeting down international rankings while charging students more than ever for their degrees.
January 2025
Taxpayers Subsidising Private School Luxuries
As Australia enters a new school year, a submission from The Australia Institute highlights the growing disparity between public and private school funding, revealing that taxpayers are helping fund lavish private school facilities and the high salaries of private school principals. In a submission to a New South Wales inquiry into private school profits, the
Youth Cultural Passes Could Revive Australian Live Music Industry
With ticket prices rising and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, a youth cultural pass could make live music more accessible, providing young people with opportunities to support local artists and foster a lifelong love of the arts.
November 2024
Consulting clean-up: Parliament recommends sweeping changes after multiple scandals
A multi-party Parliamentary Committee has concluded that major reform is needed to address glaring problems in the audit, accounting and consulting industry, in a report released on Thursday.
October 2024
IMF confirms — tax concessions distorting Australia’s housing market
Findings released today from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) align with existing research from the Australia Institute that tax concessions are distorting Australia’s housing market. The IMF noted that “tax breaks, including from capital gains tax discount and superannuation concessions, could be phased out to generate a more equitable and efficient tax system”. Supporting the
Negative gearing and capital gains tax discount driving up house prices
Restricting negative gearing and scrapping the capital gains tax discount would make housing more affordable and increase home ownership rates, the Australia Institute has said in a recent submission. Key Findings: A major cause of rising house prices has been increased demand from investors. Restricting negative gearing to newly built housing and scrapping the capital
September 2024
Chalmers is right, the RBA has smashed the economy
In recent weeks the Treasurer Jim Chalmers has been criticised by the opposition and some conservative economists for pointing out that the 13 interest rate increases have slowed Australia’s economy. But the data shows he is right.
GDP Figures Show Per Capita Recession Entrenched Amid Inequality Crisis
Today’s national account figures show that GDP per capita fell by 0.4% during the June quarter. This is the 6th consecutive quarter of negative GDP per capita growth, showing that Australia is in a per capita recession amid an ongoing inequality crisis. Key Points: GDP per capita growth of –0.4% represents the 6th consecutive quarter of
August 2024
SA Government’s Proposed Donations Bill a Threat to Political Competition
The Malinauskas Labor Government’s proposed donations changes are a threat to political competition in South Australia and should be rejected or significantly redrafted, the Australia Institute has said.
Tax System Turbocharging Wealth Inequality in Australia
The wealth of Australia’s richest 200 people nearly tripled as a share of GDP over the last two decades, as inequality grew to new record levels in the country, the Australia Institute has shown.
June 2024
Privatised Profits, Services Failure: Consumers Worse Off After Three Decades of Competition Policy
New analysis from the Australia Institute shows that the privatisation, deregulation, and outsourcing of public services has failed to provide economic or social returns to Australians.
April 2024
Million Dollar Salaries & Private School Resources Underwritten by Public Money
The Australia Institute is recommending that private schools have stricter reporting requirements, greater transparency in funding arrangements, and increased accountability when spending public money, in a submission to the NSW Government’s review into Section 83C of the Education Act.
Incumbent NSW MPs enjoy $2 million in incumbency advantages, on top of head-start from the state’s political finance laws
Research from the Australia Institute demonstrates that the NSW electoral system’s donation caps, spending caps and public funding benefit established parties and incumbent MPs at the expense of new parties and independent candidates.
Monthly Ministerial Diary Disclosures Among Measures Proposed to Enhance Political Transparency
Ministerial diaries would be published monthly and access to Parliament House would be democratised under news recommendations from the Australia Institute.
March 2024
Albanese Government must properly safeguard the independence of new Administrative Review Tribunal
The Australia Institute will appear before the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs today to present evidence on cronyism in appointments to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and recommend improving the appointment process of its replacement, the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART).
February 2024
Victoria Should Consider Proactive Disclosure to Unclog FOI System
Victoria should consider proactive disclosure to unclog its increasingly congested FOI system, according to the Australia Institute’s submission to the inquiry into the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
Offshore gas must not bypass genuine consultation with traditional owners, local community
Legislation that will allow the government to relax the approval and assessment process for offshore oil and carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects is premature and risks bypassing traditional owners, local groups and tourism and fishing businesses, warns the Australia Institute.
December 2023
Paying for Collective Bargaining
Recent labour law reforms in Australia have focused attention on the crucial role played by collective bargaining in achieving higher wages, safer working conditions, and better job security.
November 2023
The Tasmanian salmon industry’s talk about boosting the economy does not include paying tax
The Tasmanian salmon industry talks a big game about its importance to the economy, but it is rather quiet when it comes to paying tax
70% of Australians want ABC Board member appointments from independent selection process
The Australia Institute surveyed a sample of 1,535 Australians about how the Communications Minister makes appointments to the ABC Board.
October 2023
Conflicted Consultants Need Professional Standards, Parliamentary Scrutiny
The Australia Institute will attend a Senate inquiry today to discuss the conflict of interest risks associated with consultants, the need for better oversight and the case for professional standards in the consulting sector.
September 2023
Victoria’s Electoral Laws Need Truth in Advertising and Fair Rules for New Entrants
Victoria should adopt truth in political advertising and address the unfairness created by its donation cap and public funding model.
Consulting firms a corrosive and conflicted influence on NSW Government
New research from The Australia Institute reveals the corrosive and conflicted influence of consulting firms on NSW Government processes.
August 2023
South Australia Proves Australia’s Freedom of Information System can be Fixed
The Australia Institute will attend a Senate Inquiry today to highlight flaws in Australia’s broken freedom of information (FOI) system and argue for much-needed reforms modelled on South Australia’s approach.
Tasmanian government backflips on measures to protect depleted fish species
The Australia Institute Tasmania is calling on the Tasmanian government to keep in place protections for depleted fish populations. The Tasmanian government has today announced a backflip on planned measures to rebuild depleted fish populations managed under the Tasmanian Scalefish Fishery. Instead, the government has reopened consultation on the rule changes until September 25 and
The Northern Territory is the world leader for per-capita emissions
The Australian Government would like the other states to help offset the Northern Territory emissions. That’s a big ask given the NT is already the heaviest emitter of CO2 per capita in the world
_June 2023
Time is running out to reach our emissions target, and our path needs changing
With less than 7 years to go till 2030 we cannot wait to transition away from coal and gas
SA Duck Hunting Ban, Backed by Majority of Voters, Would Have Minimal Economic Impact
New research from public policy think tank The Australia Institute shows that a permanent ban on native bird hunting in South Australia is supported by a strong majority of the public and would have minimal impact on the state’s economy. The findings are the result of a survey of 604 South Australians, undertaken between 15
May 2023
Ending Nazi Symbols: Let’s Get It Right
Australia needs legislation outlawing the public display of Nazi symbols in the service of white supremacist ideology, but it is critical that we get the free speech balance right.
Consultancy firms boast of action on climate change while advocating for more coal mines
Consultancy companies like to boast they are committed to action on climate change, but they much prefer overstating the benefits of coal mines
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Glenn Connley Senior Media Advisor