March 2006
No 46 March 2006
Drug Law Reform by Andrew Macintosh Skip Dipping by Emma Rush The Dirty Politics of Climate Change by Clive Hamilton Gagging the CSIRO by Roslyn Beeby Bugging Legislation by Cameron Murphy
December 2005
No 45 December 2005
Who Drives 4WDs? by Clive Hamilton The Nationals’ Telstra Deal by Deb Wilkinson New Climate Institute Can We Withdraw From Iraq? by Barry Naughten Beyond Right and Left by David McKnight A Sick Economy? by Clive Hamilton The Senate: Now and Then by Emma Rush Corporate Control of Child Care by Emma Rush Fear and
September 2005
No 44 September 2005
Activists: How to beat them at their own game by Katherine Wilson Mapping Homophobia in Australia by Michael Flood and Clive Hamilton Poverty in Australia: Vinnies versus the CIS by Clive Hamilton The EPBC Act: A five-year assessment by Andrew Macintosh and Deb Wilkinson Managing the Economy: A Political Scorecard by Prof. Raja Junankar Will
June 2005
No 43 June 2005
Stuck in Traffic by Claire Barbato Government stymies advocacy by green NGOs by Clive Hamilton Wellbeing Manifesto launch Howard’s Children by Richard Denniss The ‘Left” and the Iraq War by Clive Hamilton Taxpayers Soaked by Andrew Macintosh Is the Bracks Government Serious about Climate Change? ZPG for ACT? by Claire Barbato Gross National Happiness by
March 2005
No 42 March 2005
Waste not want not by Clive Hamilton and Richard Denniss Who is lonely in Australia? by Michael Flood Traffic fine by Clive Hamilton New Book from the Institute Relational thinking by Michael Schluter Climate Taskforce Report Released by Justin Sherrard Private health insurance by Richard Denniss
December 2004
No 41 December 2004
Property rights and the environment by Andrew Macintosh and Richard Denniss The peripatetic Institute When FTA spells BSE by Hilary Bambrick Can we bury our greenhouse problem? by High Saddler Climate Change Taskforce reaches consensus by Alan Tate Time to mothball the Kyoto sceptics by Clive Hamilton Take the rest of the year off by
September 2004
No 40 September 2004
Pandering to the Government by Clive Hamilton Masking private schools accountable by Deb Wilkinson The next gender wars by Barbara Pocock Pets and foreign aid by Richard Denniss Quotes from the tenth anniversary dinner Looking into the ‘Too Hard’ basket Health insurance tricky for the old by Richard Denniss Australians still the world’s worst greenhouse
June 2004
No 39 June 2004
Silencing dissent by Sarah Maddison Is the growth of private schools good for Australia? by Deb Wilkinson Institute’s filtering strategy vindicated by Michael Flood Children’s exposure to porn increasing by Michael Flood Fortress Australia against climate refugees by Clive Hamilton Caring for children by Michael Flood The growing price of cultural fraud by Richard Eckersley
May 2004
March 2004
No 38 March 2004
Getting a life by Christie Breakspear and Clive Hamilton Clean energy futures by Hugh Saddler International Climate Change Taskforce Can’t buy me love? by Barbara Pocock FTA price hikes by Buddhima Lokuge Greenhouse gas emissions by Clive Hamilton Can the arts be democratic? by Pauline Griffiths Family men by Michael Flood
December 2003
No 37 December 2003
Rocking the cradle by Michael Flood Collusion and insider trading by Bruce Chapman and Richard Denniss Downshifting in Britain by Clive Hamilton U N Expert Group Regional inequality in health insurance by Richard Denniss Patent laws and the FTA by Buddhima Lokuge and Richard Denniss Plan to auction Medicare provider numbers
September 2003
No 36 September 2003
Charity and advocacy by Rev Tim Costello Making industry assistance accountable by Richard Denniss How much money is enough? by Clive Hamilton Fathers and families by Michael Flood Pharmaceuticals and the FTA by Richard Denniss Sacrificing democracy for growth by Clive Hamilton Homophobia and schools by Michael Flood Annual leave in Australia by Richard Denniss
June 2003
No 35 June 2003
Comfortable, relaxed and drugged to the eye-balls by Clive Hamilton Reflections on the porn wars by Michael Flood Playing dirty on trade by Richard Denniss What does ‘left wing’ mean? by Clive Hamilton A Tim Tam tax Discarding the UN by Spencer Zifcak Wanted: more information on GM crops by Steve Rix The politics of
March 2003
No. 34 March 2003
Downshifting in Australia by Clive Hamilton Pornography on the Internet by Clive Hamilton The PC’s blind spot Should sports stars get a free ride? by Richard Denniss Young run from health cover by Richard Denniss Grog and cigs up? by Richard Denniss Who should pay for maternity leave? by B Chapman & R Sethi 4WDs:
December 2002
No. 33 December 2002
The politics of affluence by Clive Hamilton Who should pay for maternity leave by Natasha Stott Despoja The Coalition’s Clayton health policy by Richard Denniss Letter to a farmer by Clive Hamilton Deep cuts in greenhouse gases by Clive Hamilton Future population dilemmas by Barney Foran The exhausted Australian by Barbara Pocock
September 2002
No. 32 September 2002
Knocking Down the White Picket Fence by Pamela Kinnear A Way Through the Maternity Leave Maze by Bruce Chapman Rescuing the Truth from the Kids Overboard Affair by Richard Mills Whither the Democrats? by Clive Hamilton Greenhouse Emissions in the Long Term by Hal Turton A Statement by Professional Economists on Climate Change A $1
August 2002
June 2002
No. 31 June 2002
Has the Institute given up on the Poor by Clive Hamilton Taxes and the Environment by Hal Turton Ageing: The ‘straw man’ of the Federal Budget by Pamela Kinnear Fixing the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme by Martyn Goddard Measuring Australia’s Progress by Clive Hamilton Making the New Indicators Work by Clive Hamilton Childcare: Good or Bad
March 2002
No. 30 March 2002
The Spoilt Brat of Australian Industry by Hal Turton Measuring poverty: How to decide? by Pamela Kinnear Tuvalu’s last legal resort by Clive Hamilton The revolt of the Magic Pudding: Sharing the car in Australia by Nancy Folbre The silence of the good: Taking child abuse seriously by Pamela Kinnear, Shona Chisholm and Jacqui Rees
December 2001
No. 29 December 2001
The Ageing Crisis by Pamela Kinnear Election 2001 by Shaun Wilson Corporate Control of Healthcare by Clive Hamilton Private Insurers’ Healthy Subsidy by Pamela Kinnear Doubting Democracy by John Quiggin Climate of Hypocrisy at CHOGM by Hal Turton Cold Shower for Allen Consulting by Paul Pollard Nobel Laureate Encourages Global Justice by Tim Shorrock
September 2001
No. 28 September 2001
Hard Hearts, Soft Heads by Clive Hamilton Who Gains From ‘Free’ School Buses by Pamela Kinnear Should the Polluter Pay? by Hal Turton and Clive Hamilton Making Progress in Progressive Taxation by Julie Smith What Next for Higher Education? Conference report by Pamela Kinnear
June 2001
No. 27 June 2001
Putting Doctors Where They Are Needed by Clive Hamilton Budget Pits ‘Deserving’ Pensioners Against ‘Unworthy’ Unemployed by Pamela Kinnear “Very Much Obliged” – Mutual Obligation, Superannuation and Prudential Regulation by Julie Smith The Youth Explosion! Drastic Measures Required by Pamela Kinnear Productivity Commission – Truth or Dare? by Richard Denniss Taking Climate Change Seriously by
March 2001
No. 26 March 2001
Warning Bells for Academic Freedom by Pamela Kinnear Hard Questions About Soft Marking – Claims go to Senate by Clive Hamilton Use and Abuse of Job Statistics: The Need for New Employment Measures by Richard Denniss Asking the Right Questions on Employment by The Hon. Cheryl Kernot MP Why Federal/State Finances Matter by Julie Smith
December 2000
No. 25 December 2000
The Genuine Progress Indicator 2000 by Richard Denniss Tribute to Max Neutze by Clive Hamilton Corporate Welfare by John Howe Redefining Efficiency: Microeconomic reform in the electricity industry by Richard Denniss Where to for Climate Change Policy? by Clive Hamilton
September 2000
No. 24 September 2000
Mutuality in a Market Society by Pamela Kinnear Pearson on Welfare Dependency by Clive Hamilton Subsidising the Health of the Rich by Julie Smith Green Power: Taxing concern? by Richard Denniss
June 2000
No. 23 June 2000
Charities, Political Parties and the GST by Julie Smith Taxing Mothers’ Milk by Julie Smith Will Australia Ratify the Kyoto Protocol? by Clive Hamilton
March 2000
No. 22 March 2000
Regulating Blood by Clive Hamilton Taxing Charity by Julie Smith The Cost of Downsizing by Max Neutze Community Indicators for Quality of Life
December 1999
No. 21 December 1999
Investigating Crimes Against Humanity in East Timor by Spencer Zifcak Dr Kemp’s Leaked Cabinet Submission by Julie Wells and Clive Hamilton Australia Tops the Developed World in Greenhouse Gas Emissions per Capita Native Title and Anglo-Australian Land Law Compared by Ed Wensing Aluminium Smelting and Climate Change by Hal Turton BOOK REVIEW: Corporate propaganda: Getting
September 1999
No. 20 September 1999
Australian Quality of Life by Richard Eckersley Business Tax and the Environment by Hal Turton Do Indigenous Australians Get What They Deserve? by Max Neutze Is John Howard Killing the ANZAC Spirit Editorial by Clive Hamilton
June 1999
No. 19 June 1999
Cruel Accounting by Kenneth Davidson Crime and Restorative Justice by Heather Strang The Ethics of Tax Reform by Clive Hamilton Competing Interests by Ann Nevile The Australia Institute and the GST by Hal Turton
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