September 2008

August 2008

May 2008

March 2008

February 2008

Creating more jobs from the stimulus package

As many as 20,000 full-time jobs could be created for just $1 billion according to a submission by The Australia Institute to the Senate inquiry into the Government’s proposed stimulus package. For $42 billion the government is only expecting to sustain 90,000 jobs over two years, which is $233,000 per job per year. At just

January 2008

October 2007

July 2007

$20 million Medicare Levy Surcharge tax scam

High income earners are using low-cost private health insurance products to avoid the Medicare Levy Surcharge according to a report released today by the Australia Institute. The Institute’s analysis uses unpublished ABS data to estimate that the practice is costing Australian taxpayers $230 million a year in lost revenue. The findings are made in Using

June 2007

March 2007

February 2007

January 2007

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