Media Releases // Queensland
December 2020
October 2020
Facts Matter: Fake News Harms Our Democracy
A full-page advertisement will be published in The Courier-Mail on Monday 26 October 2020 featuring Australia Institute research exposing the Queensland Resources Council’s (QRC) false jobs claims. The QRC has a long history of using questionable economic modelling, known as input-output modelling, to exaggerate the number of jobs its members create. In fact, the Australian
Key to Reforming National Electricity Market: Build On Demand Response
Australia’s electricity sector is being revolutionised by the rise of renewable energy and storage, but new analysis from the Australia Institute’s Climate & Energy Program shows the current energy market framework is holding these technologies back. In 2018 the Federal and State/Territory Governments tasked the Energy Security Board with designing a new National Electricity Market
480,000 Jobs Rely on QLD Public Service, Cuts Would Deepen the State’s Recession
With state budget deficits a potential issue in the coming Queensland election, new research from the Centre for Future Work shows that cutting public sector jobs and wages would directly undermine the delivery of essential public services at a challenging time in Queensland’s history. Moreover, misplaced fiscal austerity would also hurt the state’s economic recovery by reducing spending, employment and production in the private sector. These effects would be especially severe in regional and remote QLD, which is most reliant on public service jobs.
Queenslanders to lend Adani $271 million in royalty deal
The Australia Institute has criticised the Queensland Government’s deal to subsidise the Adani coal project via a royalty deferral deal. The long-running negotiations between Adani and the Queensland Government will allow the coal mine to ‘dig now, pay later’ at a secret, but certainly discounted, interest rate. Key points: The royalty deal has been reported
August 2020
Unredacted Documents Prove Commonwealth Paid Too Much for ‘Watergate’
The Australia Institute and consultancy firm, Slattery & Johnson, have released research today based on newly unredacted valuation documents about the $80 million ‘Watergate’ scandal. The documents, provided to independent Senator Rex Patrick last week after a two-year battle, contain the commercial valuation commissioned by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) for negotiations
July 2020
Auditor General’s ‘Watergate’ Report Shows Need for Royal Commission
An Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) report on the Murray Darling Basin has found “information relating to value for money…was limited” for water purchases worth $190 million. The ANAO found that the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE): Did not consistently apply approved policy, planning and guidance to the assessment of all limited tender
May 2020
Polling: State Border Closures
New research from The Australia Institute has found that more than three in four Australians (77%) support states closing their borders to interstate travel. The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,005 Australians about their view on state border closures on 27-28 May. Key Findings: More than three in four Australians (77%) support
February 2020
New Analysis: Only One Coal Plant Being Built in Western Europe, North America or Australia
New analysis from the Australia Institute reveals that while the Federal Government is considering taxpayer support for a new coal power station to be built in Queensland, there are currently no coal power plants under construction anywhere else in Australia or North America, and only one plant being built in the Western Europe. Key Findings:
January 2020
‘Watergate’ water “not value for money” even at half price according to Department
Research released by The Australia Institute today reveals new information on the Commonwealth’s controversial purchase of water rights in the Condamine Balonne valley for $80 million in 2017. The Government has refused to release independent valuations of the water rights, despite requests from the Senate, with newly released documents showing similar deals had been repeatedly
December 2019
Murray Darling ‘top cop’ blind to Basin’s problems
As Murray Darling Basin Water Ministers meet today to discuss the future of the Basin management, new research by the Australia Institute shows that the Murray-Darling Basin’s new Inspector General, former AFP Commissioner Mick Keelty, has ignored key issues in his first annual report on the Northern Basin. The ministerial council is likely to work on
November 2019
Statement on the Announcement Adani Royalty Deal Delayed Again
The Queensland Government has announced its royalty deal arrangement with Adani, due by Saturday 30th November 2019, has been delayed yet again and no new deadline has been set. “This loan deal should never have been on the table, it is against Queensland’s interests and will be to Queensland’s shame if it is waved through,”
September 2019
Adani yet to contact regulators on rail-royalty deal
Research released today by The Australia Institute shows that preparations have not begun on parts of the Adani royalty deal, which is due for completion on Monday 30 September. Key findings The Adani royalty deal allows Adani to defer royalty payments and pay them back at discount interest rates. Estimates for the value royalty-related subsidies to Adani range from
Majority of Australians want Murray Darling policy to prioritise food security and family farms
New research released today by The Australia Institute shows that the vast majority of Australians prioritise production of food for Australian consumption, and support for family farms in the Murray Darling Basin. When respondents were asked to rank agriculture and water policy goals: Top water policy priorities for the Murray-Darling Basin include: Three quarters of
July 2019
Qld Government and Opposition race to subsidise Adani
Research released today by The Australia Institute shows that coal mines in Queensland receive a discount on royalty payments of up to 17% relative to similar mines in NSW. This effective subsidy could be increased under a State Government deal with Adani currently being negotiated. “Mines like Adani’s effectively get 17% of their coal for
June 2019
Queensland facing more climate chaos
New research shows that Queensland is set to experience more climate chaos, including more summers with a dramatic increase in extreme heat days – like in Brisbane, where days over 35C would go from a historical average of two per year, to up to 45 days per year by 2090. The report, written by The
May 2019
Dawson Climate Assessment: Heatwaves, Droughts, Floods and Fires to worsen
The electorate of Dawson could suffer devastating climate impacts unless emissions are cut, and climate change is brought under control. The Australia Institute Climate Assessment for Dawson released today has found that, if emissions continue to rise, by 2070 the electorate of Dawson is projected to experience: Up to more than twice as many heatwave
Key independents back 4 steps to fix Murray Darling
New research from The Australia Institute highlights four steps governments can take to improve the management of the Murray Darling Basin: Emergency water allocation to the dairy industry Develop policies to ensure diversity in Basin agriculture A federal Royal Commission or federal ICAC investigation Pause the Basin Plan The Institute’s proposal has been backed by
Herbert Climate Assessment: Heatwaves, Droughts and Floods to worsen
The Australia Institute’s new Climate Assessment for Herbert has found the electorate could suffer devastating climate impacts unless emissions are cut and climate change is brought under control. If emissions continue to rise, by 2070 the electorate of Herbert is projected to experience: A single heatwave could last up to over 50 days Up to
#Watergate’s water mates
The Australia Institute has released new analysis of the controversial $80 million water deal between the Department of Agriculture and Water under then-Minister Barnaby Joyce and a company domiciled in the Cayman Islands. The analysis shows the close collaboration between the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and the company selling the water, Eastern Australia
Capricornia Climate Assessment: Heatwaves, Droughts and Floods to worsen
The Australia Institute’s new Climate Assessment for the electorate of Capricornia has found the electorate could suffer devastating climate impacts unless emissions are cut and climate change is brought under control. If emissions continue to rise, by 2070 the electorate of Capricornia is projected to experience: Up to twice as many heatwave days per year
April 2019
Debugging Watergate: interpreting official responses
The Australia Institute has today released analysis of official responses to the Watergate scandal surrounding Murray Darling water purchases, covered by The Project, Guardian and other outlets. The analysis finds that official responses are misleading and in some cases incorrect: The Prime Minister’s claim that the record water purchase was covered in a Senate inquiry
Poor Voter Impression of Murray Darling Basin Management Soars
The Australia Institute surveyed a nationally representative sample of Australians in 2018 and in 2019 about their views towards issues surrounding the health and management of the Murray Darling Basin (MDB). Key Findings: A majority of Australians (55%) now consider the health of the Murray Darling Basin poor or very poor, up 18 percentage points
March 2019
Dramatic increase in extreme heat forecast for Mackay
Dramatic increases in extreme heat days, combined with high humidity present an increasing threat to the health and wellbeing of Mackay residents. The Australia Institute’s HeatWatch initiative, which uses CSIRO–BoM modelling, shows that the number of extreme heat days (over 35C) experienced in Mackay could increase up to seventy times current levels and that virtually
Four-fold increase in extreme heat days forecast for Whitsundays region
Dramatic increases in the number extreme heat days (35°C+) present an increasing threat to the wellbeing of Whitsundays residents, and to key industries to the region such as agriculture and tourism. New research from the Australia Institute’s HeatWatch initiative, which uses CSIRO–BoM modelling, shows that the number of extreme heat days experienced in the Whitsundays
Thirty-fold increase in days over 35 degrees forecast for Townsville
Dramatic increases in the number extreme heat days (35°C+) present an increasing threat to the health and wellbeing of Townsville residents. New research from the Australia Institute’s HeatWatch initiative, which uses CSIRO–BoM modelling, shows that the number of extreme heat days experienced in Townsville could increase up to thirty times above historic levels and that
Kingaroy coal proposal uneconomic
New research released today by The Australia Institute finds that a coal project proposed near Kingaroy, Queensland, should be rejected by policy makers on economic grounds. The report finds that the project is unlikely to be economically viable, faces huge barriers in getting coal to market and would adversely impact key local industries. “The Kingaroy
February 2019
Legal Advice: Energy Generation Program Unconstitutional
New legal advice, sought by The Australia Institute Climate & Energy Program, suggests the Underwriting New Generation Investment Program is unconstitutional and lacks the legislative basis to proceed. Key points · Legal advice received from Fiona McLeod SC and Lindy Barrett on 15 February 2019 finds that Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor does not have constitutional authority
January 2019
New coal plants even more unreliable
Australia’s newest coal plants, including ‘supercritical’ or so-called ‘High Efficiency, Low Emissions’ generators, have higher breakdown rates per gigawatt than older power stations, according to new research from The Australia Institute’ Climate & Energy Program. “Australia already has supercritical coal plants. They break down even more often, gigawatt for gigawatt, than our old clunker coal
December 2018
Taxpayers foot the bill for secret Adani deals
The Queensland Government is offering major financial subsidies to Adani’s coal project, including a secret deal on royalties worth hundreds of millions and a free access road worth $100 million, shows a new report from The Australia Institute. The report estimates the royalty deal will lend Adani between $215 million to $385 million, on terms
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