June 2019

How Good Is The Economy?

featuring Ebony Bennett and Richard Denniss

Two months ago, the Treasurer delivered a budget with rosy economic figures – what the hell happened? Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director at The Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett Contributors: Richard Denniss, chief economist at the Australia Institute // @RDNS_TAI  Matt Grudnoff, senior economist at the Australia Institute // @MattGrudnoff Producer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermacey // Additional editing by Lizzie Jack. Title Track: Jonathan

Modern conservatives don’t fear social change, they just oppose it when it undermines their friends

by Richard Denniss in The Guardian

by Richard Denniss[Originally published on The Guardian Australia, 26 June 2019] The modern conservatives often seem afraid of new technology. They act as though renewable energy, battery storage and electric cars will take us down the path to blackouts, economic ruin and, of course, the end of weekends as we know them. But if recent

Men will get almost twice the benefit from later stages of unlegislated income tax cuts as women: new research

The final stage of the Morrison Government’s unlegislated income tax plan, stage 3(a) favours males by a ratio of almost two to one, according to a new distributional analysis from The Australia Institute’s senior economist Matt Grudnoff.   The Morrison Government is yet to legislate the additional tax cuts announced in the 2019-20 Federal Budget,

Australia can Follow Finland to Reverse TAFE and Training Crisis

Australia should consider whether it wants a higher education and vocational training system more like that of Finland or more like the USA, according to a new report from The Australia Institute’s Nordic Policy Centre. The report, co-authored by Professor Andrew Scott, Emeritus Professor Tor Hundloe and Mr Shirley Jackson, shows Australian vocational training is

WTF2050 Episode 13 – Andrew McPhail – Independent Film Producer

featuring Anna Bateman and Leanne Minshull

Andrew introduces us to the term ‘weightless exports’ – think digital services and games rather than wood or food. Inspired Leanne and Anna sat down with Paris Buttfield-Addison, cofounder of Hobart based Secret Lab – Secret Lab builds video games and mobile apps, and teaches game and app development through books and online training. Secret

WTF2050 Episode 11 – Louise Morris – Insect Farmer, Rebel Foods, Derby Tasmania

featuring Anna Bateman and Leanne Minshull

Louise’s insects are on the standing menu at MONA Faros restaurant, as featured on many fine menu’s across Tasmania. Her Protein Plus Nut Butter blends stocked at East Coast Village Providore (St Helens) and newly opened Derby Providore. In this episode Anna & Leanne discover organic insect farming from inside a shipping container on a

WTF2050 Episode 10 – Rosie Martin – Speech Pathologist, Criminologist And Tasmanian Of The Year 2017

featuring Anna Bateman and Leanne Minshull

Rosie Martin – speech pathologist, criminologist and Tasmanian of The Year 2017, starred in our first series of WTF2050 where shared her big idea – no prison (as we know them in 2050), to emphasize rehabilitation not punishment. To expand on the theme we spent a morning at Risdon Prison with inmates taking part in

May 2019

Health Costs Outpace Inflation

Out-of-pocket health costs have skyrocketed compared with all other prices as measured by the Consumer Price Index, shows new analysis by The Australia Institute. The analysis using ABS data shows that health costs have more than doubled the rise in CPI with a 24 per cent increase in health costs compared with 11 per cent

April 2019

Research: ‘latte sippers’ and ‘chardonnay drinkers’ vote Liberal/National

New research from The Australia Institute dispels stereotypes around what Australians drink and their political leanings finding that café latte drinkers vote Liberal/National more than any other party. Among regular latte drinkers, voting intentions were 34% LNP, 32% Labor, 16% Greens 7% One Nation, 12% other Regular chai latte drinkers are also most likely to

March 2019

Australia’s gun lobby and its political donations laid bare

by Bill Browne in The Sydney Morning Herald

The footage was shocking: One Nation figures meeting with the National Rifle Association in the US in search of political donations, media support and strategic advice. Australians may be surprised to discover the gun lobby in Australia rivals the NRA in size and spending, according to Australia Institute research commissioned by Gun Control Australia. Most people have

Australian Gun Lobby as Large as US Gun Lobby

New research from the Australia Institute finds the Australian gun lobby is as large and spends as much on political campaigns per capita as the National Rifle Association does in the USA. The new Australia Institute report, commissioned by Gun Control Australia, also find that these pro-gun lobby groups are also utilising alternative political strategies

Stagnant pay is pulling us all down

Like a dog that doesn’t know what to do when it catches the car it’s been chasing, the business community doesn’t seem to know what to do now they’ve pushed wages growth to record lows and the profit share of GDP to all-time highs. While some might read the room, bank their gains and mouth some platitudes about sharing said gains, the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and the Coalition are not for turning.

The world has changed but the agenda of Australia’s tribal right has not

by Richard Denniss in The Guardian

by Richard Denniss[Originally published on The Guardian Australia, 6 March 2019] Interests ahead of ideas, friends before philosophy, denial instead of debate. The desperate rush by “law and order” conservatives to defend a child rapist has shown there is no principle that the right of Australian politics won’t abandon in order to protect one of their inner

February 2019

Cashed-up retirees getting a refund for tax they never paid? We’ve hit peak rort

by Richard Denniss in The Guardian

by Richard Denniss[Originally published on The Guardian Australia, 20 Feb 2019] It’s hard to believe that anyone who receives larges cheques from the government can call themselves a “self-funded” retiree, but hey, this is modern Australia and powerful groups get to call themselves whatever they want. Sure, the full age pension is only $23,823.80 per

January 2019

Australia, we have bigger issues to tackle than boardies and thongs

by Ebony Bennett in The Canberra Times

by Ebony Bennett[Originally published in The Canberra Times, 26.01.19] Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and forcing 537 councils to conduct citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day. And it’s stinking hot. What could be more Australian than a nationwide ban on shorts and thongs as we confer citizenship on our newest Aussies during

December 2018

Dead Right With Richard Denniss

featuring Ebony Bennett and Richard Denniss

Welcome to Follow The Money’s summer special series! If you’re taking a break this summer, but still crave a political fix, settle in a listen to the ‘best of’ from the Australia Institute’s live politics in the pub events this year. In his Quarterly Essay, Dead Right, Richard Denniss talks about how neoliberalism ate itself,

10 Year Anniversary Of The Stimulus Package With Wayne Swan Tanya Plibersek And Jim Chalmers

featuring Ebony Bennett

Welcome to Follow The Money’s summer special series! If you’re taking a break this summer, but still crave a political fix, settle in a listen to the ‘best of’ from the Australia Institute’s live politics in the pub events this year. Ten years after the global financial crisis, Wayne Swan, Tanya Plibersek and Jim Chalmers

Yes, Yes, Yes With Alex Greenwich MP, Dr Shirleen Robinson & Senator Sarah Hanson Young

featuring Ebony Bennett

Welcome to Follow The Money’s summer special series! If you’re taking a break this summer, but still crave a political fix, settle in a listen to the ‘best of’ from the Australia Institute’s live politics in the pub events this year. In this second episode of our summer series and one year on from the

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