Code Red for Humanity: the sixth IPCC report
The sixth IPCC assessment report sounded the alarm on the climate crisis, finding that human activity is changing the Earth’s climate in “unprecedented” ways, with some of the changes now inevitable and “irreversible”. We unpack the latest report and the urgency of change with Richie Merzian and Alia Armistead from the Australia Institute’s climate & energy team.
Host: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director at the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennett
Richie Merzian, director Climate & Energy program // @richiemerzian
Alia Armistead, Graduate Researcher // @aliaarmistead
The Australia Institute // @theausinstitute
Producer: Jennifer Macey //@jennifermacey
Theme Music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Sessions
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