February 2013

Corporate power in Australia

featuring Richard Denniss and David Richardson in The Sydney Morning Herald

Which industries do you think are the most politically powerful in Australia? This paper examines the influence of the superannuation, mining, banking and gambling industries and concludes that perhaps the real test of power is the ability to get things done without anybody even noticing.  To download the paper, click here To read Ross Gittins’

January 2013

August 2012

April 2012

March 2012

April 2011

The high price of ATM promiscuity

featuring Josh Fear in ABC Radio National

We take it for granted: cold, hard cash on demand. Any time. Any place. And if we can’t find an ATM operated by our own bank, then we’re prepared to throw money — big money — at whatever we can find. Whether it be a hole in the wall at our laundromat, or a free-standing

February 2011

Complementary or contradictory? An analysis of the design of climate policies in Australia

in The Age

Contrary to popular belief, the policies that are most effective in driving down greenhouse gas emissions actually raise revenue rather than cost the budget money. The Gillard Government has recently scrapped, or wound back, a range of policies designed to help reduce greenhouse gasses in order to ensure the budget returns quickly to surplus. These

December 2010

Evidence versus emotion: How do we really make financial decisions?

in The Age

A new report by The Australia Institute reveals that around one in three Australians are regularly putting one or more everyday bills like utilities, car rego and groceries on their credit card but not paying the balance off in full each month. Categorised as ‘playing catch-up’, these people face higher rates of interest on household

November 2010

August 2010

Once more with feeling

in The Brisbane Times

Principles for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the wellbeing of most Australians Despite much of the election being allegedly fought on ‘economic management’ neither the ALP nor the Coalition were asked to explain how it was that they simultaneously claimed to be ‘good economic managers’ yet were determined to ignore all economic evidence about

March 2010

October 2009

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